Frequently Asked Question

WiFi: Connecting to Wi-Fi at WNCC
Last Updated 7 years ago

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Connecting to Wi-Fi at WNCC

WNCC provides Wi-Fi as a service to students, employees, and guests across all campuses! Accessing the Wi-Fi is fast and simple!

The Public Wi-Fi at WNCC is NOT encrypted between your mobile device and our wireless access points. This means that your wireless traffic can be intercepted and read by an unknown third-party. While using WNCC's Public Wi-Fi, please refrain from sending or receiving sensitive information, such as Credit Card Info, Social Security Numbers, Username/Password Combos, or anything else that you would consider private information.

Step 1: Log into the laptop

Step 2: On the lower right hand side of the screen, you should see the wifi icon (see image below). Left click it to open up the available wifi connections.

Step 3: Left click on the "WNCC-Internet" or "WNCC-Internet2" wifi, and Left click "Connect"

Step 4: Look back at the wifi Icon (shown above) and if it does not display a red X, a yellow sign, or a (*) symbol above the wifi, you are connected to the wifi.

If you are still having problems getting to the internet via wifi please consult the WNCC IT department via a ticket.

- Your WNCC IT Department

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