Click on the category to browse FAQs.
Blackboard (5)
Category containing all Blackboard topics. -
Computers and Workstations (13)
This is a category for information about your workstation or computers that you may use at WNCC. -
Copiers and Printers (4)
This is basic information about copiers and our copier replacement project. -
Ellucian Colleague (3)
This will contain articles related to the Ellucian Colleague ERP Environment, which includes topics such as:
- Colleague Web UI
- Colleague Self-Service
Information Security (2)
Category containing articles related to information security with WNCC Workstations and Assets. -
Microsoft Office 365 & Office 2019 (6)
These are frequently asked questions concerning Office applications, such as Word, Excel, Outlook, OneDrive, OneNote, etc
Outlook: Email (15)
Articles here will pertain to outlook topics such as:
- Installation
- Sending & Receiving Emails
- Shared Mailboxes
- Special Features
Phones and Voicemail (3)
Self Help Documents relating the WNCC VoIP Phone and Voicemail system. -
Software and Web Applications (34)
This contains software and web application oriented knowledgebase articles.
- Adobe Acrobat (PDF)
- Chrome, Edge, and Firefox Browsers
- Zoom