Frequently Asked Question
Blackboard: How To Set Up a WebWork Integration
Last Updated 4 years ago
How To Set Up a WebWork Integration with Blackboard
This process will allow students to access WebWork directly through Blackboard, there is no need for them to have a WebWork account or password. When using this method, students must go through Blackboard every time they use WebWork. When a student first clicks the link it will create their WebWork account in your course.
Add the Link to your Course
Go to the Content Area where you want to create a link into your WebWork course. This could be on the Course Home page or within a Module in Learning Modules.
Go to “Build Content” -> “Weblink”. Under name enter “WebWork Link” and under URL, enter the URL for your WebWork site.
For example, for wncc-library enter
Make sure you use https, and check the box for “This link is to a Tool Provider”, then hit the Submit button.
Now students will be able to navigate to their blackboard course and select the link to access your WebWork course.