Frequently Asked Question

Outlook: Access WNCC Email from your Mobile Device
Last Updated 4 years ago


Access WNCC Email from your Mobile Device

Your WNCC Email isn't relegated to just your Desktop Computer, you can access it through your Mobile Device, using the Outlook App! Both Android and Apple devices are currently supported. Click the relevant link below to download the app from either the Apple App Store, or the Google Play Store:

Get Microsoft Outlook on the Apple App Store!

Get Outlook on the Google Play Store!

Once Outlook has been installed, open the App, and you will be asked to login. Enter your WNCC Email Address for your username, and your WNCC Portal password as your password. You may be redirected to our Portal Sign-In page upon entering your WNCC Email address.

Once you've signed in, your email should appear momentarily. If you have a large volume of mail on your Office365 Account, it may take your Mobile Outlook client to sync up to the Cloud.

- Your WNCC IT Team

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